Microorganisms - Answers


  1. What are animalcules?
    1. Anton van Leeuwenhoek, found tiny living things moving about in water  and named them as 'animalcules' which means 'tiny animals'. These animalcules are now known by the name microorganisms 
  2. List five diseases caused by virus. 
    1. Rabies
    2. Dengue
    3. Chicken Pox
    4. AIDS
    5. Hepatitis
  3. List five human diseases caused by bacteria. 
    1. Tuberculosis   
    2. Typhoid
    3. Cholera
    4. Pneumonia
    5. Sepsis of  wounds
  4. List five discoveries made by Anton van Leeuwenhoek. 
    1. Bacteria
    2. Protists
    3. Nematodes
    4. Sperm Cells
    5. Blood Cells
  5. What are nematodes?
  6. Give reasons:
    1. Viruses are borderline between living and non-living.
    2. Euglena is both a plant and an animal. 
    3. In colder parts of the world, summer vegetables are sun dried.
    4. After grinding the idli batter, it is left undisturbed for a minimum of 8-10 hours.  
    5. Mosquitoes can be controlled by preventing stagnation of water though they do not live in water 
    6. Atta can be stored longer than cooked chapatis
    7. Shoes, clothes get mold easily during rainy season
    8. Farmers prefer to grow beans and peas in nitrogen deficient soils.
      • Beans and peas are leguminous plants as they have Rhizobium, a bacteria in their root nodules. This bacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen to enrich the soil with nitrogen and increase its fertility. Farmers grow leguminous plants in between the major crops, a practice called crop rotation to restore the used nutrients of the soil.
  7. Differentiate saprophytes and parasites.
  8. Differentiate pathogens and vectors with two examples.
  9. Differentiate gobar gas and biogas
  10. Differentiate rhizobium and rhizopus
  11. Differentiate natural and acquired immunity.
  12. Define pasteurisation.
  13. Write one similarity and distinguishing feature between Amoeba and Paramecium.
  14. What is fermentation and how is it useful to us?
  15. In what ways are fungi useful to us?
  16. List 3 skin diseases caused by fungi in humans.
  17. List two fungal diseases in plants.
  18. List six droplet infections.
  19. List four diseases which spread through water
  20. List 10 uses of bacteria.
  21. List the features of blue green algae
  22. Arrange the following organisms in order starting with the smallest: coccus, mould, virus, bacillus, yeast, spirogyra
  23. How does the fungal disease 'rust' spread?
  24. List the preventive measures which should be taken against the spread of malaria and dengue.
  25. List two inoculations you received in your childhood.
  26. Explain the role of phytoplankton.
  27. List three conditions required for the growth of bacteria.
  28. What are preservatives and list four of them.
  29. List four ways in which food can be preserved.
  30. Define vector.
  31. What is immunity? How can it be acquired artificially?
  32. Atul ate fruits from a vendor. The fruits had been cut and exposed to flies and dust. What kind of diseases has he exposed himself to?
  33. How is digestion in fungi different from digestion in human beings?
  34. Give an example for
    • Anaerobic Bacteria
    • Aerobic Bacteria
    • Bacilli
    • Cocci
    • Spirilla
    • Bacteria with symbiotic relationship with humans
    • Blue green bacteria
    • Plant-like Protist
    • Animal-like Protist
    • Autotrophic bacteria
    • Heterotrophic bacteria
    • Unicellular algae
    • Multicellular algae
    • Filamentous algae
    • Parasitic fungi
    • Saprophytic fungi
    • Edible fungi
    • Algae visible to naked eyes
  35. Fill in:
    • Blue green bacteria are classified under the kingdom _____
    • Vitamin B and K are produced by the bacteria _______
    • Blue green bacteria found in rice fields _______
    • Bacteria and Protists reproduce by __________
    • Fungi reproduces by ______
    • Algae reproduces by _______
    • Animal like protists are called as __________
    • To treat diabetes, _________ is made with the help of bacteria.
    • ________ are used for making toothpaste and for polishing.
    • Malarial Parasite is called ___________
    • Amoeba moves with the help of __________
    • Euglena moves with the help of __________
    • __________ uses cilia for movement.
    • Pencillin, an ________, was discovered by __________.
    • Disease causing microbes are called _________ or ________.
    • Vector of malarial parasite is ___________
    • Vector of dengue virus is _________.
    • __________ and ___________ spread through blood transfusion.
    • __________, an eye infection spreads through direct contact.
    • Full form of FPO is __________
    • ______________ discovered small pox vaccine.
    • When similar cells occur in a cluster, it is called a _________.
    • Viruses can be seen only through a ___________.
    • Meat can be preserved by __________ and ____________.
    • ___________ is a fungal disease which affects wheat.
    • Moulds and yeasts are ____________.
    • Milk can be preserved by ____________.
    • Yeasts are used for the process of ___________________.
    • The rising of dough while making bread is due to the __________ produced as a result of fermentation.
    • Plant like protist with a glass like cell wall is called __________
    • Thread like structures that form the body of a fungus are called _______
    • Fungal disease in fruit trees is called _____________.
    • A virus which can infect a bacterium is called ___________
    • Comma shaped bacteria are called ___________
    • Lactobacillus is the bacteria which helps in curd formation.
  36. Select the odd one out and give reason.
    1. chicken pox, AIDS, hepatitis, cholera
    2. E Coli, Nostoc, diatom, Spirulina
    3. Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium, Plasmodium
    4. mould, Chorella, yeast, Pencillium
  37. Which one is not caused by fungi?
    1. rust
    2. scabies
    3. hepatitis
    4. athlete's foot
  38. Which one is not caused by bacteria?
    1. cholera
    2. hepatitis
    3. tuberculosis
    4. typhoid
  39. Atmospheric nitrogen is fixed by one or more of the below choices.
    1. all algae
    2. rhizobium
    3. all bacteria
    4. lightning
  40. Draw diagrams and name the parts for
    1. amoeba
    2. paramecium
    3. bacterial forms
    4. euglena
    5. cell


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              Microorganisms - Questions