Man-made Materials - Questions

What is a polymer? What is ester? Fill in: One of the oldest man-made material is ___________. _____________ is a naturally occurring polymer. ____________, a natural fiber is made of cellulose. __________ is a blended fibre. __________ is the first fully synthetic fibre. Rayon is obtained by chemical treatment of ___________. Nylon was first used to make ______________. The first synthetic fibre was prepared from __________, ____________ and ________. A synthetic fibre that resembles wool is ___________. _________ is a modern microfibre used to make sportswear. Full form of PVC is _________________. Full form of PET is _________________. __________ is used in fireproof suits. __________ is used in military uniforms. Inhalation of __________ can cause cancer. The process by which glass is cooled and made tougher is called __________. When PVC is burnt, it gives out ___________ gas. ____________ is a man made material inspired from nature. The material which is similar to silk in ...